Things to Consider When Moving an Aging Loved One

By April 8, 2021 Aging Loved Ones

If you are contemplating moving an aging loved one into your home or an assisted living facility, you need to consider a lot of things before doing so. Relocating is never easy. You have to consider their safety and comfort when you move them. With that in mind, here are things you should do to prepare for the big move.


Sort & Organize

For a long time, your aging loved ones have probably owned a lot of material things that have sentimental value. They will inevitably need to leave some things behind when they downsize or move to an assisted facility.

Start small, talk to them and explain why you are doing this. Organize their stuff and label it from the stuff that has the lowest sentimental value to the highest. This way, you are helping them weigh things faster & easier. If they still have a lot of valuable possessions, they always have the option to give them away to their loved ones. If they choose this, you assure them that their things are in good hands, while at the same time you are honoring their sentimental attachments.


Contact Professionals 

If for some reason you are not available during the time they will move, look for people who can help. There are senior care management specialists who can help you in moving, downsizing, or transitioning your loved ones.

Consult a professional. These professionals can help you in the overall moving process. Moving your loved one will likely be an emotional roller coaster ride. They can help you lift the burden for you. 


Plan Moving transportation

Location is very important, find a very accessible facility that is close to your home if possible. Your loved ones may not be able to up for a long ride. So on moving day, make sure that there will be a couple of stops along the way or provide them comfortable transportation if you are not with them on moving day.


Health Care Needs

Your aging loved one could possibly need new health care providers. It is best to do your research or get referrals from their current doctors and set an appointment right away to avoid a waiting list. Ensure that they will still be provided with the best health care there is. 

Coordinate with care managers that will handle the medical issues & needs of your loved ones. Have the prescriptions transferred to a new pharmacy in advance. 

Feels Like Home

To make the moving process smooth, take some special items into their new home that will add a touch of comfort for them. If the move is to a facility, while facilities are fully furnished, it doesn’t mean that you can’t bring familiar items to give a feeling of home. Your goal is to provide them a comfortable, personalized, safe space.

Replicate the layout of their previous home to give a sense of familiarity. Set the chairs & tables in the same order as they have in their previous home. Hang family photos to remind them that they are loved or purchase new items that they have been wanting ever since.


Talk to Them

Moving your aging loved ones will not be as easy as it looks, especially if they spent more than 20 years in one place. Remind them of the fresh possibilities that will come with their transition to help them move forward. 

There are undoubtedly lots of decisions, challenges, and feelings that come with this transition in life. At Encircle Life we help families in all kinds of situations navigate through these transitions, ensuring that seniors are able to live their best lives. For a free, no-obligation consultation, contact us today.


Chris Leo

Author Chris Leo

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