4 Benefits of Aging in Place

By October 11, 2021 Aging Loved Ones, Real Estate

4 Benefits of Aging in Place


We understand how important it is for older people to be able to live at home. However, we understand how difficult it may be to decide between aging in place and senior living homes, given the difficulties of aging.

Even when physical or cognitive deterioration makes it impossible to live independently, seniors choose to age in place to facility care.

Many families find it simpler to make this decision after they understand how living at home benefits elders. Seniors who choose to age in place benefit from the independence and comfort that only their own home can give. Despite cheaper healthcare expenses, they also had superior health outcomes on average.


Why Do Seniors Prefer to Age at Home?



Physical and cognitive deterioration as people age may make daily living challenging for elders. Elderly individuals require assistance from others to complete daily chores at some time. Total independence is no longer feasible at this time.


Seniors can maintain some independence while still living at home with the support of family, friends, and professional caregivers. Most importantly, older individuals maintain control over their daily routines, activities, and life choices.


Seniors who move into senior living facilities will not be able to maintain this level of freedom. Residents in these facilities have less power over their lives and routines. Many elders grow reliant on nursing staff, who are obliged to divide their time and care among several people.


Seniors can enjoy a higher level of personal freedom by aging in place. They have the freedom to live their life as they see fit, and they have a feeling of dignity that many older people lack.



Although the expression “home is where the heart is” is a worn cliché, its message is nevertheless true. The most significant area in a person’s life is their house, which provides them with a feeling of peace, security, and familiarity.


The emotional worth of a house is considerably more important to many seniors than its monetary value. Elderly people value having a room that is genuinely their own — one that not only functions as a home but also feels like one. Many seniors never feel at home at a nursing home or assisted living facility, despite the fact that some adjust rapidly.


Additionally, aging in place allows seniors to remain in a comfortable and familiar environment. This is an important yet underappreciated aspect of older citizens’ quality of life.



Seniors frequently opt to live in nursing or assisted living homes because they feel it is safer and healthier than staying at home. While this is true in certain situations, it is frequently untrue. Nursing home residents, even those in equivalent health, have poorer health status than seniors who opt to live in a place, according to many studies.


There are a number of factors at work here. One is the psychological impact of leaving home. Seniors who feel homesick are more likely to experience stress and despair, both of which worsen physical and cognitive deterioration.


Another factor is the possibility of infection. Nursing home patients are at a considerably higher risk of bacterial and viral illnesses, including life-threatening diseases like pneumonia, according to studies.


Seniors’ quality of life increases as they age in place, as does their physical health. It also protects them against the bacterial and viral infections common in senior care homes, minimizing their risk of becoming sick.



For many seniors and their families, nursing homes and assisted living facilities are prohibitively expensive. A bed in a shared room at an assisted living facility can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per year, while a private room might cost up to nearly $75,000. When elders demand specialized care, these expenses can skyrocket in nursing homes.


The cost of aging in place is also a consideration. Many older citizens require house modifications to make them secure and more comfortable. Seniors may also need to employ an in-home caregiver to help with light housework, errands, or activities of daily living in some situations.


Despite these expenditures, aging in place is usually less expensive than living in a nursing home or assisted living facility. If you are looking for someone to help you transition or age in place, call Encircle Life today!


Chris Leo

Author Chris Leo

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