Signs That Your Aging Parent Needs Help

By November 4, 2021 Uncategorized

Do you ever notice anything that looks wrong about your elderly parents when you meet them? Maybe Dad can’t seem to find his meds, or Mom won’t talk about the car’s strange scratch. Perhaps you once saw that one of them had left a pot on the burner to boil.

These are typical “something isn’t quite right” indications that should make you think again. You might be wondering how you can “be there” for your parents when you can’t always be there. You might wonder if hiring an in-home caregiver to assist your parents to age safely and comfortably at home is a good idea.


Look for these symptoms to tell if your parents may require more support than you can give and this will help you determine if they need it:

  • Medication errors and missed dosages might result in serious medical problems.
  • Look for parking or speeding tickets, fender-benders, damages, and dents on the senior’s vehicle.
  • Mail piling up or unpaid bills: Even simple duties like opening, sorting, and replying to mail can confuse seniors, let alone more sophisticated tasks like paying bills or balancing the checkbook.
  • Misplacing important belongings, such as their walker or house keys, or leaving them somewhere in a restaurant or retail store, can signal memory loss and the need for professional care.
  • Laundry piles of dishes in the sink: Many elderly people grow too tired or weak to keep up with the typical housework.
  • Showering, shaving, and other grooming activities need energy that your parents may no longer have. Alternatively, they may skip grooming because they are afraid of getting in and out of the tub alone.
  • Falls are a main cause of death among older persons, with one in every four Americans over the age of 65 falling each year. It’s a shame, considering the majority of elder falls are preventable.

Any of these symptoms of decline should prompt a conversation about the types of assistance your aging parents require. That can be a difficult task to have, but it is necessary in order to keep your parents safe in their own home. To start a conversation, follow these guidelines:


Be Empathetic

Consider how you would feel if you were your parents. Nobody wants to lose their ability to keep their home clean or take a safe shower. Try to clarify the messages you’re hearing so they know you’re reading them accurately.

Concentrate On Increasing Their Independence

Many elderly people are afraid of being institutionalized in a nursing home or another facility. Make it clear from the start that your objective is to keep them secure and healthy at home for as long as possible.

Make a Plan

You and your parents can work together to develop a plan that fits their immediate requirements and expands as they require more assistance.

Look for Help

Don’t try to make this strategy on your own. Consult your Area Agency on Aging, senior centers, and your local Home Instead office for further information. These professionals can assist you in creating a sound plan that will make life easier for your aging loved ones.

You don’t have to do it alone with your parents. Get a free consultation with Encircle Life today! We can help you and your aging loved ones get the best help for you. Our team consists of SRES that specializes in helping seniors move and sell their homes. Contact us today!

Chris Leo

Author Chris Leo

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